Monthly Archives: November 2012

Cheese-tastic Times Two

It’s well known that all the Pretty People frequent Whole Foods in Cherry Creek, so it was no surprise to encounter Brett (left) and Devin (right) and their awesome facial hair there this week. Brett, born and raised in Loveland, Colorado, has bared his beard, on and off, for the past decade. Devin is originally from Virginia, but he and his impressive sideburns now call Colorado home. You too can experience their bearded prowess at Whole Foods, where they teach a monthly class on cheese and pairings. All we can say is sign us up!

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Homeless or Hot?

Here’s a whole lotta beard to get your hump day off to a good start! Meet Jason. The look on his face is one of shock–he was in disbelief after moving here from Tucson to find that he couldn’t wear his tank top year round and that the sweat band was not considered a wardrobe staple. Jason told us that he grew this beauty, his “freedom beard”, once he got out of the army. He told us, “beards are natural, shaving is not. Some of history’s greatest men had this figured out, but for some reason they’re a rarity these days”. Word. His favorite part of his beard is that his circle of friends gets bigger each day– “having a beard and running into someone else with one… become friends instantly. You share a bond that the beardless will never know”. Jason admits to falling off the wagon early this year—“I had no intentions of shaving it off, ever, until one day some dude comes up to me on the bus and offers me soap and razors from his church. I had no idea what he was talking about until he said “it’s ok man, I used to be homeless too”. I went straight home and shaved it off.” That was one of the saddest stories we’d ever heard. Jason said he instantly regretted that decision and quickly removed all sharp objects from his house. Welcome back, our bearded friend.

Ill stache

We found this extra special Imperial stache pouring some delicious ESB beer brewed by your very own Denver Beer Co last Sunday night. Nick’s mustache needed to be celebrated, so he’s our honorary guest stache of the month. Nick left the treacherous terrain of Illinois several years back. It was on his journey west that he decided to let the stache do as it pleased, and we thank him for it every day. Nick is currently in the process of becoming even more distinguished; he will soon be a cicerone. Nick, we’re pretty sure you can just show up for the test, give them a peak at your upper lip, and the title is yours. Do yourself a favor, head on over to the DBC, order a beer or seven (and a jumbo pretzel) and let Nick fill your curious brain with all you’ll ever need to know about brews and what mustache wax to buy.

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Chip Off the Old Block

We were lucky enough to happen upon Chip and his red beard at Don’s Mixed Drinks this weekend. Originally hailing from Delaware, he’s been a Denverite since 2005, and has been growing his bad-ass beard since 2006. Chip obviously loves his beard because it provides coverage for his face, which we were quick to point out is beautiful, to which Chip responded that he can’t imagine what he looks like without it. Though his family hates his beard, his love for it triumphs and hence, the beard stays.  Hemingway once asked, “What would your life be if described in six words?” Chip’s response was: “Can’t picture myself without my beard.” We’re certainly glad he keeps it around.


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Shaving’s for Suckers

We had the pleasure of encountering Jordan and his gorgeous ginger beard while he was having late night cocktails with his friends Liz and Shawn at the West Wash Park neighborhood pub The Spot. A landman for an oil company, Jordan rocks his beard with pride, resisting pressure from others who think he ought to show off his handsome face sans beard (a ludicrous suggestion as far as we’re concerned). A fourth generation Coloradan, Jordan has a fraternal twin brother who also rocks a beard and we can’t wait until the day we can feature them both! He defiantly declared to us “Shaving’s for Suckers!” We at Beards of Denver couldn’t agree more.

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Dashing Daniel

We encountered Daniel at the famed Denver neighborhood pub/dive bar/karaoke haven Ogden Street South. Daniel and his beard found his way to Denver about six years ago via Brooklyn (and a few other places) and loves living in D-town. When he’s not perfecting his karaoke repertoire, he’s busy with seminary studies. He loves his beard and his long-haired look for many reasons, one of which is because it’s exactly what many people don’t expect from someone studying religions. Daniel was a bit camera shy because he didn’t think his beard was up to Beards of Denver status yet, so we had the lovely Kim pose with him (Kim happens to be one-half of Beards of Denver’s stellar graphic design team–logo coming soon!). We have no doubt that next time we run into Daniel that beautiful beard of his will be much more billowy!

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Bearded Guru

We had the pleasure of running into Travis and his great ginger-beard outside of Crooked Stave Artisan Beer Project in Denver, where he was manning the delicious food stand for The Soup Gurus. Travis, though a native of Indianapolis, has lived in the Denver area for seven years, and is always surprised when people ask him if he dyes his handsome beard-mane. If you met him, you might wonder, too; it’s that good-looking. For all you urbanites, you can catch Travis and The Soup Gurus soon during lunch hours downtown near 17th and Tremont; until then keep a look out at Crooked Stave for Travis, his beard, and his and his friends’ amazing soups!

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Cup of Joseph

We had the pleasure of meeting J (AKA Joseph) while having a cup of joe at Pablo’s coffee shop in Denver. J has been growing his lengthy beardlocks for about a year and a half, and we wouldn’t expect a beard any less stellar than this from a midwest man; he’s originally from Wisconsin, and, of course, both a Badgers fan and, above all, a Packers fan. A screen printer here in town, we may need to enlist his skills, and his beard, for the making of some forthcoming Beards of Denver merch!

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Polkanaut Beard

Ladies and gentlemen, meet Paco, of the wonderful polka/metal band the Polkanauts. Paco loves death metal, bike rides, and will not shy away from participating in a pickled quail egg eating contest. He’s had his glorious beard for about 11 years, though currently his beard is a bit shorter than his norm. We’ll be sure to document its growth progress at the next Polkanauts show!


Bathtime Beard

We found this festive beard celebrating turkey day in the most traditional way, at Don’s Mixed Drinks. Who knew carpeted dive bars attracted such manly men?! Liam said he loves that his beard makes him look like a mountain man and that he also appreciates the variety of opinions the fur creates—he gets reactions from “nice beard” to “get a job!”. He also wanted to mention that he loves bath salts. Yup.